Commercial snow removal company in Kitchener & Waterloo Ontario by Labelle Property Maintenance

Commercial & residential property maintenance company in Kitchener & Waterloo Ontario offering lawn care & snow plowing | Labelle Property Maintenance

Commercial snow removal in Kitchener & Waterloo Ontario by Labelle Property Maintenance

Commercial snow removal company in Kitchener & Waterloo Ontario by Labelle Property Maintenance

Lawn care & property maintenance options

Basic package consist of 3 applications per year
Premium package includes the basic plus 2 applications of a natural pre emergent to assist with weed control

Spring & fall cleanup
We also offer a spring & fall cleanup package that includes a variety of services designed to enhance your curb appeal & bring your property up to date including:
Removal of leaves & debris
Removal of any spent flowers & plantings
Manicure gardens
Redefining garden bed edge & tree ring
Edge walks and curbs
Trim hedge, bush & trees
Power rake lawn
Power sweep, blow down of landscapes